Thursday, July 2, 2015

Make Way for Mary, Queen of Scots (Part 3)

"Reign" is known for their strong female characters and a fierce wardrobe to match. This post will be dedicated to Mary's skirt.

But Mary usually just wears black, pouffy skirts. I really like this one from the episode "The Plague". It's simple but has little black flowers along the hem and scattered up the length of the skirt. 
Mary in "The Plague" (photo from Reign wikia)

Team Coco, an Update

Remember when I got wait listed for Conan O'Brien tickets?

Well, I still have not heard whether or not I got those tickets. Buuuut, I did find out who was going to be Conan's guests on Thursday:

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Make Way for Mary, Queen of Scots (Part 2)

A beautiful crown would not be complete without some beautiful hair.

My hair is naturally straight and dark. Lucky for me, Mary has recently been wearing her hair straight instead of wavy (Yay for not needing to pack a curling iron!)

Photo from TV Fanatic